Almost one year ago Jill Calhoun was searching for financial help to get life saving bariatric surgery. She found the WLSFA and was instructed she must be refered to apply for a grant by her surgeon. The problem was Jill did not have a bariatric surgeon. Jill used social media to plead her case and to find a surgeon who might help her realize her dream of overcoming morbid obesity, a disease that kills thousands of Americans each year. Dr. Rachel Moore (@rachelmooremd) received a tweet from Jill and the rest is history. Dr. Moore referred Jill to the WLSFA grant program. In May of this year Jill was awarded a grant for weight loss surgery funded by donations from hundreds of fellow weight loss surgery patients, contributions from medical professionals and sponsorships from industry partners. Jill’s surgery was today June 8,2016.
“We are so honored to welcome Dr. Rachel Moore and Moore Metabolics into our Network of Care. Without the contribution of dedicated surgeons like Dr. Rachel Moore the WLSFA could not realize our mission to “Save Lives One Grant at a Time“ We ask all bariatric surgeon to consider referring their patients in need. Until the medical treatment of obesity is covered by all insurance policies, the WLSFA will continue to award grants to help those who have no access to the medical care they so desperately need.” ~ Antonia Namnath Founder and CEO of the WLSFA.
“Jill saw me online and knew that access to care for obesity treatment is one of my passions. We actually first connected on twitter where she sent me a direct message and asked if I would be willing to help her apply for a WLSFA grant. That initial effort and enthusiasm has continued through her preoperative evaluation. We are thrilled to help such a deserving young lady!”
” Millions of Louisianians do not have insurance coverage for any kind of obesity treatment (medical or surgical). I have been advocating for change in Baton Rouge both with legislators and insurers with no improvement yet. The WLSFA is a wonderful opportunity for me to help patients who could not otherwise receive treatment.” ~ Dr. Rachel Moore
Health reporter Meg Farris(@megfarrisWWL) of WWL TV in New Orleans paid a visit with Jill Calhoun just before surgery. We will post links to her story as it unfolds on WWL TV. They will be following Jill’s progress this year.
The Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America is a 501( c ) 3 Charity
Contact us at or call 415-234-9074 Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM PS
Good afternoon. My name is Roberta Brown.
I stumbled across your website, while seaching for anything regarding bariatric surgery, that would give me information on how or if there is a way I can appeal my husband employee insurance plan, that does not cover Bariatric surgery, or if there was any financial assistance. My story is a unique one. Last year I went to see a Bariatric surgeon. I was told by the woman in the office, that does insurance verification, my insurance (Cigna) covers the procedure. I went through all the classes and procedures, had a scheduled surgery date, I believe it was December 17th, 2019, only to have Cigna insurance deny my claim / pre-authorization. Stating my insurance does not cover for this procedure. The office apologized to me, that they made an mistake. A mistake I found out 6 months later. My heart sunk. I was deeply saddened.
Please, please I am begging you, can you please help me. I saw my cardiologist yesterday, Dr. Bolo. And he said to me, try to see if there is anyway my insurance will make an exception in my case. That this procedure would save my life. But I knew it wouldn’t make any difference, as I already spoke with Cigna several times. Nothing changed.
Please have mercy on me, as I need your help.
Roberta Brown
I am Amanda 36 have lost 132pounds with diet and excersizing. I started at 465 . I am still obese at 334 . I have A lot of lose skin. low income . I am a stay at home mom with A disabled son. I have alot of skin. I am still fighting to lose the weight daily. feels like no light at the end of the tunnel. I desperately need skin removal.
Hey Amanda.
Unfortunately, we only help with weight-loss surgery not plastic surgery at this time.
Hello I am so grateful to have found this site.I am 5’3″ and 244 lbs I have shortness of breath and.many meds I know I could get off with this surgery I truly am scared to death knowing that because of my obesity covid could kill me .It started when I was 44 I got Mono it lasted almost 8 months I had no energy to do anything then menopause and with no energy I just kept packing on the lbs .I have tried everything I cannot pay for surgery and I truly just want to live !I want to hike ! I want to walk for miles! I want to run again!! Please help!!!
Please visit
My name is Jonell and I’ve been obesed for many years. I’ve tried dieting and exercising with some success dieting. During exercising, I tore my meniscus which required surgery but due to Covid I wasn’t able to have surgery and became unemployed with loss of medical insurance. I’ve lost several family members to covid within 6 months and have since became severely depressed along with other mental disorders in which I get help for. I gained more weight and just feel so hopeless and unpretty due to the weight. I’ve became an emotional eater which seems to make me feel better but it’s also affecting my health and self- esteem. I’ve been to a weight loss seminar but I can’t afford to have bariatric surgery. I need help with losing weight. I want to stop the negative thoughts about myself and learn to love me.
We request that you attend a ZOOM informational meeting for the specifics of our grant program. Please send a request to attend a ZOOM meeting to:
I have bmi of 31. My insurance will not cover any part of the surgery. I have diabetes,high cholesterol, thyroid and high blood pressure. I am 73 .My surgeon dr.witzman charges 9400 for the surgery. Cannot afford it.
Please visit
Wow I don’t know where to begin. I read other people stories and think I would never qualify for another chance at changing my life. In 2014 I was blessed with being able to receive gastric sleeve surgery. BUT NO ONE tells you about the psychological portion of this life changing procedure. NO ONE tells you that you grieve the loss of your old life. NO ONE tells you that EVERYTHING you knew as normal was going to change. Yes you are directed to see a psychologist but the appointment is only for 1 hour and you talk about everything but why you have a love affair with food. NO ONE tells you that family and friends mean well but are constantly telling you to stop losing so MUCH weight. NO ONE tells you that people see you differently now and if you gain back the weight, you really consider yourself a failure.
I want a REDO! I want another chance to show myself and others that I now know what to do.
I ALMOST qualified for a revision. I only had to have a sleep study left to finish. Then I lost my job and insurance in July 2021.
My mental health has plummet so low that I can barely get out of the bed many days.
I barely make enough money now to cover my rent and car payment.
I have started yoga and walking again but the weight that I have regained makes these things that I love so painful.
I write these things to say that weight loss surgery is not a magic pill. You have to educate yourself and be around people who can talk to you about their experience. I would never take anything from professionals in the field but if they have NEVER experienced this process then they will never know what we go through.
Also, for every 8 out 10 people who I know whom has had WLS has regained double what they lost.
I need help losing weight and there’s no way possible that I could afford weight loss surgery. How do I apply for help?
My name is Nita I’m almost 49 and at 5’5” I was at an all time high of 280 lbs and a size 22 jeans. I managed to lose 30 lbs and get down to a size 14/16 but it feels like some weight is creeping back on. My joints ache, my back and feet hurt non-stop. My health insurance will not cover anything weightloss related which is so frustrating because if I have a heart attack from being obese they Weill cover that. Im currently on 2 blood pressure meds with borderline sugar levels and borderline high cholesterol. If I go to the doctor now and they code anything as they spoke about weight loss my insurance will not even pay for the doctor appointment. So frustrating!! Several years ago before switching jobs I found a surgeon and was going to have the surgery only to find out about a month in that, that employer’s insurance also did not cover weightloss related issues. My weight causes me to want to sleep all the time….I work as an accounting specialist for a not for profit company during the day and also have a part time job as a pharmacy technician but on the days I work my part time job I can barely move from the pain in my feet and back. I am at my wits end I need help!