What better way to celebrate a very Bari-Merry Christmas, than with your own Boys of Bariatrics 2024 Calendar!
In collaboration with the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America, ProCare Health, Our Sleeved Life Podcast and the Just Be You Bariatric Awards, this project is the culmination of what The Weighting Table stands for: Striving to bring awareness to our weight loss community regarding the disease of obesity, weight loss surgery as a treatment, and the many challenges and successes that we come across on our bariatric journeys. What began as an idea to showcase and celebrate the bravery of the men who share their experiences with our community, has morphed into a runaway locomotive of positive energy and support speeding through social media and picking up steam and support as it goes!
The calendar will celebrate the journeys and transformations of some of the most prominent male bariatric patients on Instagram and Tik Tok, sharing some of the key successes of their journey and showing other men that they too, can advocate and fight for their health. You are not alone in this!
Alongside these brave individuals, we also highlight some of the professionals who support warriors in our community, such as bariatric surgeons and plastic surgeons.
ALL PROCEEDS from the sale of this calendar will go to providing the 2023 WLSFA grant recipient, the same bariatric surgery that has not only changed, but SAVED, many of the lives featured in the calendar.
The surgery and the bariatric program will be FULLY donated by Dr. Fridley and the great team at the Surgical Associates of Bayonet Pointe, and support for the recipient to ensure a successful post-op journey will be supplemented by donations from ProCare Health, T.R.I.B.E. Membership with the Sleeved Dietitian, Banana Bariatrics, Dr. Quinton Chivers at the Canadian Plastic Surgery Centre, Our Sleeved Life Podcast, and Gigawatt Graphics.
So check off that Christmas list and get all your stocking stuffers right here! Buy the gift that doesn’t keep on giving, but instead gives a second chance at life. There is no better gift than that.
Thank you for your support!
The Weighting Table
Rob, Murph and Shea